
Established in 2001, TechcoNZ Ltd is located on the Kapiti Coast, New Zealand.

Company Directors are Brendan and Emily Lester.

Contact details:

  • Brendan +64 274 575 905
  • Emily +64 27 338 1329

Kapiti VA

Kapiti VA

Kapiti Virtual Assistant is a division of TechcoNZ Ltd. and is run by Emily Lester.

Other Products & Services developed and supported by TechcoNZ Ltd.


Kapiti VA

Developed by TechcoNZ, ModemLockDown is the easiest to use Internet Parental Control Software for Microsoft Windows. (Note this is best suited for pre-Windows 10 machines before Microsoft attached parental controls)

OYM Extender

Providing Xero Contact Synchronisation capabilities to various youth organisations using Online Youth Manager software e.g. Online Scout Managers, UK Boys’ Brigade, Irish Girl Guides.

Last modified August 6, 2024: updates - additioal blog (2086932)