This is our journey turning our home into a smart home.
Most components are built based on MySensors and the lot are controlled by OpenHAB with voice control by Google Home Mini’s.
Some components are standalone sensors and actuators while others are hacking or smartening up other appliances.
1 - The Core
1.1 - MySensors, OpenHAB, RaspberryPi, MQTT & Google Home
Our Smart Home primarily consists of scratch built, MySensors components and Google Home voice control.
“MySensors is an open source hardware and software community focusing on do-it-yourself home automation and Internet of Things”
I started off using a single Z-Wave binary component and USB stick, but realised it would be expensive to scale and still not do everything I wanted. MySensors components are build using cheap Arduino computers and standard electronic components. Time & effort is all that is required to piece things together.
While the MySensors MQTT Gateway acts as the primary radio mesh network facilitator, MySensors requires a controller and user interface for the items. I have chosen the open source OpenHAB for this purpose. In addition to centrally controlling the MySensors components, OpenHAB also integrates to other smart appliances.
OpenHAB is running on a Raspberry PI3. Connectivity to the MySensors Gateway is via MQTT.
As neither the Gateway nor the OpenHAB controller can allocate the Node IDs to the MySensor components, the Arduino scripts specify these statically e.g. #define MY_NODE_ID 46
I previously had OpenHAB running on an old Core 2, but get much better performance and a significantly reduced cost, running on the PI.
MQTT / Mosquitto
The Gateway and OpenHAB communicate using messages on the MQTT message broker service, Mosquitto. This service is also hosted on the Raspberry Pi, though I can inspect the communication messages from any machine with mosquitto_sub:
mosquitto_sub -h -t “#” -v
I can also add any messages onto the queue for testing purposes
MQTTWarn was used primarily for OpenHAB to send push notifications to Android phones via Notify My Android. However, I replaced this with the OpenHAB notifications via myopenHAB when I upgraded to v2.
OpenHAB, MySQL, Mosquitto and MQTTWarn all run under Supervisor for auto start and restart.
The Pi also transmits an iBeacon which could have been configured with OwnTracks for presence detection and the automatic Garage Door. (could have, I now use OwnTracks and GPS instead)
The following is set to run on startup via cron with “@reboot /house/ > /house/ibeacon.out”
The MySQL database is backed up daily via a script running this under cron:
mysqldump -uopenhab -popenhab openhab > /mnt/raspberrypi-backups/mysql/openhab.sql
OpenHAB and other configurations are backed up daily via a script running these under cron:
sudo tar czf /mnt/raspberrypi-backups/configurations/mqttwarn.tar.gz /house/mqttwarn
sudo tar czf /mnt/raspberrypi-backups/configurations/supervisor.tar.gz /etc/supervisor
sudo tar czf /mnt/raspberrypi-backups/configurations/mosquitto.tar.gz /etc/mosquitto
sudo tar czf /mnt/raspberrypi-backups/configurations/openhab.tar.gz /etc/openhab
The /mnt/ is established via…
I don’t version control the backups as CrashPlan takes care of this offsite for me.
Google Home
And finally of course, most items are controllable by voice courtesy of Google Home Mini’s around the house – ‘Hey Google, turn on the TV Backlight’
2 - MySensor Components
2.1 - Garage Door
Hacked Merlin garage door opener
Hacked Merlin garage door opener. Consisting of
MySensors Actuator circuit for controlling open/close and light
2 x Binary Sensor (for Open and Closed status)
Powered by the Merlin door opener with LM2596 buck to drop 16v down to 5v
Includes home temperature backbone for sensors in the garage, attic, outdoor and in the gas heater cavity (more for single sensor convenience and power source reuse than anything else)
Automatically opens the garage when I return home on my scooter via OwnTracks, and notifying OpenHAB via MQTT when I travel through certain GPS located regions.
OwnTracks connects to my private MQTT broker by port forwarding through my router & publishes the way point triggers.
These publications are received by OpenHAB with the mqttitude binding and ‘latch’ switches – see OpenHAB Items below.
Se-cured/Signed communication with the Gateway, so no one else can send a MySensors signal to control it
The RFP30N06LE Mosfets you can see there are complete overkill for the switching circuits. I could have used relays, but was conscious of the limited power supply I was tapping into. I should have used a basic transistor, or even better, an optocoupler, but that’s all I had at the time.
It’s possibly due to this lack of isolation that the light flashes on the opener unit after moving, when controller via this circuit. I’ll possibly revisit this in the future.
The resistors there are the same as on the wired opener. One for the motor, one for the light. The original idea was to flash the light as a pre-warning when controlling the opener remotely.
OpenHab Items
SwitchPresenceBrendan_PhoneMqttHome"Brendan at Home"(gPresence){mqttitude="mosquitto:owntracks/brendan/0/event:Home"}SwitchPresenceBrendan_PhoneMqttWgtn"Brendan at Wellington"(gPresence){mqttitude="mosquitto:owntracks/brendan/0/event:Wellington"}StringGarage_Door_Closed"Garage Door Fully Down[%s]"<door>(All,gGarage){mqtt="<[mosquitto:mygateway1-out/46/2/1/0/16:state:MAP(]"}StringGarage_Door_Opened"Garage Door Fully Up[%s]"<door>(gGarage){mqtt="<[mosquitto:mygateway1-out/46/4/1/0/16:state:MAP(]"}SwitchGarage_Door_Switch"Garage Door Switch"<garage>(gGarage){mqtt=">[mosquitto:mygateway1-in/46/1/0/0/2:command:on:1]",autoupdate="false"}StringGarage_Door_Switch_Push{mqtt=">[mosquitto:mygateway1-in/46/1/0/0/2:command:on:1]"}<br>SwitchGarage_Light_Switch"Garage Light Switch"<light>(gGarage){mqtt=">[mosquitto:mygateway1-in/46/2/0/0/2:command:on:1]",autoupdate="false"}SwitchGarage_Door_Timer{expire="30m,command=OFF"}
varDateTimebrendanAtWgtnrule"Brendan at Wgtn "when//Doesn't matter whether I'm entering or existing Wgtn, point is, I was there
ItemPresenceBrendan_PhoneMqttWgtnreceivedupdatethenbrendanAtWgtn=nowlogWarn("BrendanAtWgtn","Setting to now")endrule"Brendan at Home"when//This time though, only trigger as I enter home region
ItemPresenceBrendan_PhoneMqttHomechangedtoONthenlogWarn("BrendanAtHome","PhoneMqttHome changed to ON")//and if I was recently in Wgtn, then open the door if it's not already.
if((brendanAtWgtnn!=null&&brendanAtWgtn.plusMinutes(90).isAfter(now))){if(Garage_Door_Closed.state=="Yes"){logWarn("BrendanAtHome","Do Open Garage")sendCommand(Garage_Door_Switch,ON)}else{logWarn("BrendanAtHome","Brendan home, but garage is already open")}//Clear the Wgtn state so we don't cause false openings while we come and go around home
brendanAtWgtn=null}endvarTimergarageDoorTimer=nullvarBooleangarageDoorStillOpen=falserule"Garage Door Opening"whenItemGarage_Door_Closedreceivedupdatethenif(Garage_Door_Closed.state=="No"){Notify_Info.postUpdate("Garage door is opening")Garage_Door_Timer.sendCommand(ON)}else{Notify_Info.postUpdate("Garage door has closed")Garage_Door_Timer.postUpdate(OFF)}endrule"Garage Door Closing"whenItemGarage_Door_Openedreceivedupdatethenif(Garage_Door_Opened.state=="No"{Notify_Info.postUpdate("Garage door is closing")}elseNotify_Info.postUpdate("Garage door has opened")}endrule"Garage Door Timer"whenItemGarage_Door_TimerreceivedcommandOFFthenNotify_Info.postUpdate("The garage door is still open")Garage_Door_Timer.sendCommend(ON)end
Arduino code
// Enable debug prints to serial monitor
//#define MY_DEBUG
// Enable and select radio type attached
#define MY_RADIO_NRF24
//#define MY_RADIO_RFM69
#define MY_NODE_ID 46
#define MY_SIGNING_SOFT //!< Software signing
#include<SPI.h>#include<MySensors.h>#include<DallasTemperature.h>#include<OneWire.h>#define COMPARE_TEMP 1 // Send temperature only if changed? 1 = Yes 0 = No
#define ONE_WIRE_BUS 3 // Pin where dallase sensor is connected
#define MAX_ATTACHED_DS18B20 16
OneWireoneWire(ONE_WIRE_BUS);// Setup a oneWire instance to communicate with any OneWire devices (not just Maxim/Dallas temperature ICs)
DallasTemperaturesensors(&oneWire);// Pass the oneWire reference to Dallas Temperature.
floatlastTemperature[MAX_ATTACHED_DS18B20];intnumSensors=0;booleanreceivedConfig=false;booleanmetric=true;// Initialize temperature message
MyMessagemsg(0,V_TEMP);// From Binary switch
#include<Bounce2.h>#define DOOR_FULLY_CLOSED_CHILD_ID 2
#define DOOR_FULLY_CLOSED_PIN 2 // Arduino Digital I/O pin for button/reed switch
#define DOOR_FULLY_OPEN_PIN 4 // Arduino Digital I/O pin for button/reed switch
intoldFullyClosedValue=-1;intoldFullyOpenValue=-1;// Change to V_LIGHT if you use S_LIGHT in presentation below
MyMessagebinfullyclosedmsg(DOOR_FULLY_CLOSED_CHILD_ID,V_TRIPPED);MyMessagebinfullyopenmsg(DOOR_FULLY_OPEN_CHILD_ID,V_TRIPPED);BouncedebouncerClosed=Bounce();BouncedebouncerOpened=Bounce();//from RelayActuator
#define RELAY_1 5 // Arduino Digital I/O pin number for first relay (second on pin+1 etc)
#define NUMBER_OF_RELAYS 2 // Total number of attached relays
#define RELAY_ON 1 // GPIO value to write to turn on attached relay
#define RELAY_OFF 0 // GPIO value to write to turn off attached relay
//From Pressure
#include<Adafruit_BMP085.h>#define BARO_CHILD 0
#define TEMP_CHILD 1
constfloatALTITUDE=20;// <-- adapt this value to your own location's altitude.
// Sleep time between reads (in seconds). Do not change this value as the forecast algorithm needs a sample every minute.
constunsignedlongSLEEP_TIME=60000;orfloatdP_dt;MyMessagetempMsg(TEMP_CHILD,V_TEMP);//const unsigned long SLEEP_TIME = 60000;
unsignedlongtimeOfLastTempCheck=SLEEP_TIME*-1;voidbefore(){// Startup up the OneWire library
sensors.begin();for(intsensor=1,pin=RELAY_1;sensor<=NUMBER_OF_RELAYS;sensor++,pin++){// Then set relay pins in output mode
pinMode(pin,OUTPUT);// Set relay to last known state (using eeprom storage)
digitalWrite(pin,RELAY_OFF);}}voidsetup(){// requestTemperatures() will not block current thread
sensors.setWaitForConversion(false);// From Binary switch
// Setup the buttons
pinMode(DOOR_FULLY_CLOSED_PIN,INPUT);pinMode(DOOR_FULLY_OPEN_PIN,INPUT);// Activate internal pull-up
digitalWrite(DOOR_FULLY_CLOSED_PIN,HIGH);digitalWrite(DOOR_FULLY_OPEN_PIN,HIGH);debouncerClosed.attach(DOOR_FULLY_CLOSED_PIN);debouncerClosed.interval(200);debouncerOpened.attach(DOOR_FULLY_OPEN_PIN);debouncerOpened.interval(200);metric=getControllerConfig().isMetric;}char*string2char(Stringcommand){if(command.length()!=0){char*p=const_cast<char*>(command.c_str());returnp;}}voidpresentation(){// Send the sketch version information to the gateway and Controller
sendSketchInfo("Garage Door and Sensors","1.1");// Fetch the number of attached temperature sensors
numSensors=sensors.getDeviceCount();// Present all sensors to controller
for(inti=0;i<numSensors&&i<MAX_ATTACHED_DS18B20;i++){present(i,S_TEMP,string2char(String("Temperature: "+String(i))));}// From Binary switch
// Register binary input sensor to gw (they will be created as child devices)
// You can use S_DOOR, S_MOTION or S_LIGHT here depending on your usage.
// If S_LIGHT is used, remember to update variable type you send in. See "msg" above.
present(DOOR_FULLY_CLOSED_CHILD_ID,S_DOOR,"Door location 1");present(DOOR_FULLY_OPEN_CHILD_ID,S_DOOR,"Door location 2");for(intsensor=1,pin=RELAY_1;sensor<=NUMBER_OF_RELAYS;sensor++,pin++){// Register all sensors to gw (they will be created as child devices)
present(sensor,S_LIGHT,string2char(String("Relay: "+String(sensor))));}}voidloop(){if(millis()-timeOfLastTempCheck>SLEEP_TIME){timeOfLastTempCheck=millis();checkTemperature();// checkpressure();
}checkSwitchs();}voidreceive(constMyMessage&message){// We only expect one type of message from controller. But we better check anyway.
if(message.type==V_LIGHT){digitalWrite(message.sensor-1+RELAY_1,RELAY_ON);wait(200);digitalWrite(message.sensor-1+RELAY_1,RELAY_OFF);}}voidcheckTemperature(){// Fetch temperatures from Dallas sensors
// query conversion time and sleep until conversion completed
int16_tconversionTime=sensors.millisToWaitForConversion(sensors.getResolution());// sleep() call can be replaced by wait() call if node need to process incoming messages (or if node is repeater)
wait(conversionTime);// Read temperatures and send them to controller
for(inti=0;i<numSensors&&i<MAX_ATTACHED_DS18B20;i++){// Fetch and round temperature to one decimal
floattemperature=static_cast<float>(static_cast<int>((getControllerConfig().isMetric?sensors.getTempCByIndex(i):sensors.getTempFByIndex(i))*10.))/10.;// Only send data if temperature has changed and no error
// Send in the new temperature
send(msg.setSensor(i).set(temperature,1));// Save new temperatures for next compare
lastTemperature[i]=temperature;}}}voidcheckSwitchs(){debouncerClosed.update();debouncerOpened.update();;if(value!=oldFullyClosedValue){// Send in the new value
send(binfullyclosedmsg.set(value==HIGH?1:0));oldFullyClosedValue=value;};if(value!=oldFullyOpenValue){// Send in the new value
2.2 - Minecraft Lights
Much more than your average Minecraft Lights!
OTT kids room.
Replace batteries in Minecraft lights with power from MySensors node (original reason for this mod, so we don’t have to keep replacing/charging)
Control off/on, brightness and random flicker effect
Establish the start of a 12v power distribution point in the attic for additional nodes in the future.
Drop from 12v to 5v/3.3v in the actual node.
This way there’s no potential for voltage drop over distance to affect nodes.
You can’t buy the Minecraft pattern on the walls. It’s paint! Layer upon layer of hard slog!
* The MySensors Arduino library handles the wireless radio link and protocol
* between your home built sensors/actuators and HA controller of choice.
* The sensors forms a self healing radio network with optional repeaters. Each
* repeater and gateway builds a routing tables in EEPROM which keeps track of the
* network topology allowing messages to be routed to nodes.
* Created by Henrik Ekblad <>
* Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Sensnology AB
* Full contributor list:
* Documentation:
* Support Forum:
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
*/// Enable debug prints to serial monitor
#define MY_DEBUG
#define MY_NODE_ID 59
// Enable and select radio type attached
#define MY_RADIO_NRF24
//#define MY_RADIO_RFM69
#include<MySensors.h>#define SN "Minecraft Torches"
#define SV "1.1"
#define FADE_DELAY 10 // Delay in ms for each percentage fade up/down (10ms = 1s full-range dim)
int16_tcurrentLevels[6];MyMessagelight3Msg(3,V_DIMMER);MyMessagelight5Msg(5,V_DIMMER);MyMessagergbFlickerState(0,V_LIGHT);// Arduino pin attached to MOSFET Gate pin
#define LIGHT_PIN_3 3
#define LIGHT_PIN_5 5
intisFlicker;voidsetup(){// Pull the gateway's current dim level - restore light level upon sendor node power-up
}voidpresentation(){// Register the LED Dimmable Light with the gateway
present(LIGHT_PIN_3,S_DIMMER,"Light on Pin 3",false);present(LIGHT_PIN_5,S_DIMMER,"Light on Pin 5",false);present(0,S_DIMMER,"All Lights",false);present(0,S_LIGHT,"Flicker all",false);sendSketchInfo(SN,SV);}voidloop(){// Run RGB Flicker if is set
if(isFlicker==1){flicker();}}voidreceive(constMyMessage&message){intlightState=message.getString()[0]=='1';if(message.type==V_LIGHT){Serial.println(lightState);// if receive RGB Flicker On commands, start the Flicker
if(message.sensor==0&&lightState==1){Serial.println("message.sensor==0 && lightState==1");flickerOn();}// if receive RGB Flicker Off commands, stop the Flicker
elseif(message.sensor==0&&lightState==0){Serial.println("message.sensor==0 && lightState==0");flickerOff();}}elseif(message.type==V_DIMMER){// Retrieve the power or dim level from the incoming request message
intrequestedLevel=atoi(;// Adjust incoming level if this is a V_LIGHT variable update [0 == off, 1 == on]
requestedLevel*=(message.type==V_LIGHT?100:1);// Clip incoming level to valid range of 0 to 100
requestedLevel=requestedLevel>100?100:requestedLevel;requestedLevel=requestedLevel<0?0:requestedLevel;// Stop the Flicker if it's running.
// Don't call flickerOff, as this restores to the previous values first e.g. perhaps off or on. We want to go straight to the new values.
isFlicker=0;send(rgbFlickerState.set(0),false);Serial.print("Changing level for light ");Serial.print(message.sensor);Serial.print(" to ");Serial.print(requestedLevel);Serial.print(", from ");if(message.sensor==0){// Sensor 0 is all lights
Serial.print(" n/a");fadeAllToLevel(requestedLevel);}else{// else just an individual one
* This method provides a graceful fade up/down effect
*/voidfadeToLevel(intlightPin,inttoLevel){intdelta=(toLevel-currentLevels[lightPin])<0?-1:1;while(currentLevels[lightPin]!=toLevel){currentLevels[lightPin]+=delta;analogWrite(lightPin,(int)(currentLevels[lightPin]/100.*255));analogWrite(lightPin,(int)(currentLevels[lightPin]/100.*255));delay(FADE_DELAY);}if(lightPin==3){send(light3Msg.set(currentLevels[lightPin]>0));}if(lightPin==5){send(light5Msg.set(currentLevels[lightPin]>0));}saveState(lightPin,toLevel);}voidfadeAllToLevel(inttoLevel){intdelta3=(toLevel-currentLevels[LIGHT_PIN_3])<0?-1:1;intdelta5=(toLevel-currentLevels[LIGHT_PIN_5])<0?-1:1;intsteps=100;for(intx=0;x<steps;x++){if(currentLevels[LIGHT_PIN_3]!=toLevel){currentLevels[LIGHT_PIN_3]+=delta3;analogWrite(LIGHT_PIN_3,(int)(currentLevels[LIGHT_PIN_3]/100.*255));}if(currentLevels[LIGHT_PIN_5]!=toLevel){currentLevels[LIGHT_PIN_5]+=delta5;analogWrite(LIGHT_PIN_5,(int)(currentLevels[LIGHT_PIN_5]/100.*255));}delay(FADE_DELAY);}send(light3Msg.set(currentLevels[LIGHT_PIN_3]>0));send(light5Msg.set(currentLevels[LIGHT_PIN_5]>0));saveState(LIGHT_PIN_3,toLevel);saveState(LIGHT_PIN_5,toLevel);}voidflickerOn(){// define Flicker On
isFlicker=1;// Write some debug info
Serial.println("Flicker on");}voidflickerOff(){//turn off Flicker
isFlicker=0;//and restore previous value to light
fadeToLevel(LIGHT_PIN_3,loadState(LIGHT_PIN_3));fadeToLevel(LIGHT_PIN_5,loadState(LIGHT_PIN_5));Serial.println("Flicker off");send(rgbFlickerState.set(0),false);}voidflicker(){intsteps=50;intlight3toLevel=random(10,100);intlight5toLevel=random(10,100);// analogWrite( LIGHT_PIN_3, (int)(light3toLevel / 100. * 255) );
// analogWrite( LIGHT_PIN_5, (int)(light5toLevel / 100. * 255) );
// delay( 100);
Minecraft Painted Walls
2.3 - MQTT Gateway
Central Radio & Gateway Interface
I choose an MQTT gateway over an Ethernet one so it could be connected to the network anywhere in the house and not be tethered to a specific device.
Built using instructions at MySensors. Parts include:
Arduino Nano
NRF24L01+PA+LNA wireless module
W5100 LAN Ethernet Shield
When I originally wanted to add MY_SIGNING_SOFT, there wasn’t enough memory available on the Nano for that and the MQTT code. Answer: trick the Nano into thinking it’s an Uno and it frees up more memory. My experiences and more information available in the MySensors forum.
The Gateway is powered by 5v into the Arduino Nano.
2.4 - Passive Infrared (PIR) Sensor
Tapping into a PIR Sensor
Powered by the alarms PIR
No contact with the PIRs actual sense circuits, so no interruptions to the alarm functionality
Replicates where I initially used an expensive Z-Wave Fibaro Universal Binary Sensor FGBS-001 / FGBS-321
I initially set out to replace the Z-Wave unit with a similar setup. I placed an optocoupler in series with the trip circuit and calculated the various resistances etc to replace one of the standard End Of Line / Tamper resistors. This worked, but I always felt a little funny about modifying a core security feature of the house.
As part of the first build, I also attached the 3.3v Arduino’s RAW pin directly to the power of the PIR. I was positive it was only putting out 12v, but I never measured twice. Needless to say, the smoke was let out. This is why the build image above has a separate 3.3v regulator. The AMS1117-3.3 regulator can handle voltages above the 12v Arduino threshold
In the end, I opted for a simple phototransistor to report back on the status of the PIRs trigger LED. With the exception of power, this has full isolation from the PIRs core security function.
I think this is the sensor code!!! Please double check this one for your fit.
* The MySensors Arduino library handles the wireless radio link and protocol
* between your home built sensors/actuators and HA controller of choice.
* The sensors forms a self healing radio network with optional repeaters. Each
* repeater and gateway builds a routing tables in EEPROM which keeps track of the
* network topology allowing messages to be routed to nodes.
* Created by Henrik Ekblad <>
* Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Sensnology AB
* Full contributor list:
* Documentation:
* Support Forum:
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* Simple binary switch example
* Connect button or door/window reed switch between
* digitial I/O pin 3 (BUTTON_PIN below) and GND.
*/// Enable debug prints to serial monitor
#define MY_DEBUG
// Enable and select radio type attached
#define MY_RADIO_NRF24
//#define MY_RADIO_RFM69
#include<SPI.h>#include<MySensor.h>#include<Bounce2.h>#define MY_NODE_ID 54
#define CHILD_ID1 3
#define CHILD_ID2 4
#define IN_1 3 // Arduino Digital I/O pin for button/reed switch
#define IN_2 4 // Arduino Digital I/O pin for button/reed switch
#define OUT_1 7 // Arduino Digital I/O pin for button/reed switch
#define OUT_2 8 // Arduino Digital I/O pin for button/reed switch
Bouncedebouncer1=Bounce();Bouncedebouncer2=Bounce();intoldValue1=-1;intoldValue2=-1;// Change to V_LIGHT if you use S_LIGHT in presentation below
MyMessagemsg1(CHILD_ID1,V_TRIPPED);MyMessagemsg2(CHILD_ID2,V_TRIPPED);voidsetup(){// Setup the pins
pinMode(IN_1,INPUT);pinMode(IN_2,INPUT);pinMode(OUT_1,OUTPUT);pinMode(OUT_2,OUTPUT);// Activate internal pull-up
digitalWrite(IN_1,HIGH);digitalWrite(IN_2,HIGH);// After setting up the button, setup debouncer
debouncer1.attach(IN_1);debouncer1.interval(5);debouncer2.attach(IN_2);debouncer2.interval(5);}voidpresentation(){// Register binary input sensor to gw (they will be created as child devices)
// You can use S_DOOR, S_MOTION or S_LIGHT here depending on your usage.
// If S_LIGHT is used, remember to update variable type you send in. See "msg" above.
present(CHILD_ID1,S_DOOR);present(CHILD_ID2,S_DOOR);}// Check if digital input has changed and send in new value
voidloop(){debouncer1.update();debouncer2.update();// Get the update value;;digitalWrite(OUT_1,value1);digitalWrite(OUT_2,value2);if(value1!=oldValue1){// Send in the new value
send(msg1.set(value1==HIGH?1:0));oldValue1=value1;}if(value2!=oldValue2){// Send in the new value
2.5 - Power Usage Sensor
Measuring House Power Consumption
Standard MySensors Pulse Meter
3DU5 phototransistor detects meter pulses
WARNING: This build works around high voltage.
My Company and I accept no liability whatsoever for your own well being or that of your electrical gear.
MySensors Energy Meter Pulse Sensor
* The MySensors Arduino library handles the wireless radio link and protocol
* between your home built sensors/actuators and HA controller of choice.
* The sensors forms a self healing radio network with optional repeaters. Each
* repeater and gateway builds a routing tables in EEPROM which keeps track of the
* network topology allowing messages to be routed to nodes.
* Created by Henrik Ekblad <>
* Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Sensnology AB
* Full contributor list:
* Documentation:
* Support Forum:
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* Version 1.0 - Henrik EKblad
* This sketch provides an example how to implement a distance sensor using HC-SR04
* Use this sensor to measure KWH and Watt of your house meeter
* You need to set the correct pulsefactor of your meeter (blinks per KWH).
* The sensor starts by fetching current KWH value from gateway.
* Reports both KWH and Watt back to gateway.
* Unfortunately millis() won't increment when the Arduino is in
* sleepmode. So we cannot make this sensor sleep if we also want
* to calculate/report watt-number.
*/// Enable debug prints
#define MY_DEBUG
// Enable and select radio type attached
#define MY_RADIO_NRF24
//#define MY_RADIO_RFM69
#define MY_NODE_ID 51
#include<SPI.h>#include<MySensor.h>#define DIGITAL_INPUT_SENSOR 3 // The digital input you attached your light sensor. (Only 2 and 3 generates interrupt!)
#define PULSE_FACTOR 1000 // Nummber of blinks per KWH of your meeter
#define SLEEP_MODE false // Watt-value can only be reported when sleep mode is false.
#define MAX_WATT 10000 // Max watt value to report. This filetrs outliers.
#define INTERRUPT DIGITAL_INPUT_SENSOR-2 // Usually the interrupt = pin -2 (on uno/nano anyway)
#define CHILD_ID 1 // Id of the sensor child
unsignedlongSEND_FREQUENCY=10000;// Minimum time between send (in milliseconds). We don't wnat to spam the gateway.
doubleppwh=((double)PULSE_FACTOR)/1000;// Pulses per watt hour
booleanpcReceived=true;volatileunsignedlongpulseCount=0;volatileunsignedlonglastBlink=0;volatileunsignedlongwatt=0;unsignedlongoldPulseCount=0;unsignedlongoldWatt=0;doubleoldKwh;unsignedlonglastSend;MyMessagewattMsg(CHILD_ID,V_WATT);MyMessagekwhMsg(CHILD_ID,V_KWH);MyMessagepcMsg(CHILD_ID,V_VAR1);voidsetup(){// Fetch last known pulse count value from gw
request(CHILD_ID,V_VAR1);// Use the internal pullup to be able to hook up this sketch directly to an energy meter with S0 output
// If no pullup is used, the reported usage will be too high because of the floating pin
pinMode(DIGITAL_INPUT_SENSOR,INPUT_PULLUP);attachInterrupt(INTERRUPT,onPulse,RISING);lastSend=millis();}voidpresentation(){// Send the sketch version information to the gateway and Controller
sendSketchInfo("Energy Meter","1.0");// Register this device as power sensor
present(CHILD_ID,S_POWER);}voidloop(){unsignedlongnow=millis();// Only send values at a maximum frequency or woken up from sleep
boolsendTime=now-lastSend>SEND_FREQUENCY;if(pcReceived&&(SLEEP_MODE||sendTime)){// New watt value has been calculated
if(!SLEEP_MODE&&watt!=oldWatt){// Check that we dont get unresonable large watt value.
// could hapen when long wraps or false interrupt triggered
if(watt<((unsignedlong)MAX_WATT)){send(wattMsg.set(watt));// Send watt value to gw
}Serial.print("Watt:");Serial.println(watt);oldWatt=watt;}// Pulse cout has changed
if(pulseCount!=oldPulseCount){send(pcMsg.set(pulseCount));// Send pulse count value to gw
doublekwh=((double)pulseCount/((double)PULSE_FACTOR));oldPulseCount=pulseCount;if(kwh!=oldKwh){send(kwhMsg.set(kwh,4));// Send kwh value to gw
oldKwh=kwh;}}lastSend=now;}elseif(sendTime&&!pcReceived){// No count received. Try requesting it again
request(CHILD_ID,V_VAR1);lastSend=now;}if(SLEEP_MODE){sleep(SEND_FREQUENCY);}}voidreceive(constMyMessage&message){if(message.type==V_VAR1){pulseCount=oldPulseCount=message.getLong();Serial.print("Received last pulse count from gw:");Serial.println(pulseCount);pcReceived=true;}}voidonPulse(){if(!SLEEP_MODE){Serial.print(" pulse\n");unsignedlongnewBlink=micros();unsignedlonginterval=newBlink-lastBlink;if(interval<10000L){// Sometimes we get interrupt on RISING
2.6 - Rinnai Gas Heater (FTR557)
Measuring House Power Consumption
Turns heater off and on
Transmits heater status back to Gateway even when manually controlled
Powered internally by Rinnai heater (model 557FTR)
All those modules do is connect two Red and Blue wires together on the units main PCB using a relay. The module provides separate power system to isolate itself from the heater possibly so multiple heaters can be daisy-chained together. I’d suggest it is 24v so it can extended that chaining over large distances (one of the use cases is described as a church or hall).
First Build
My first build replicated the official Rinnai module as a MySensors node. Red and Blue were connected together via my Optocoupler in the build below. This uses far less energy than a relay and seeing as the Red/Blue connection has low voltage and current, this works fine.
However, there are two problems with this approach that didn’t satisfy my needs:
There is no ‘actual’ status back to the MySensors Gateway – you would have to rely on the status of the ‘remote’ node (which may be fine to an extent)
Connecting (Closing) Red and Blue Stops the Heater from working. Disconnecting (Opening) keeps the heater working. This appears opposite to initial thoughts, but given the header on the PCB is always Open anyway (if you don’t connect a remote thermostat), this makes perfect sense. The downside is that once the heater is under the control of the remote thermostat and Red and Blue are closed, you can’t control the heater manually via the button on the top control panel. This may be fine in that large hall environment, but it wouldn’t please my wife at home
Alternatively, I could have done an IR Blast to the heater for my sensor control, but as with the Heatpump build, I generally don’t do half measures.
Second Build
I wanted the node to provide status feedback to the network, remote control and the ability to control the heater locally. So I needed to understand more about the heater.
The 557FTR, and I imagine similar models, is initially quite complicated to hack:
The Control Panel does not have an on-board CPU and most things on it don’t go to Ground. In fact a lot of the pieces connect to each other in seemingly an odd way. Given the complexity and number of items on the board and the limited number of wires going to it, it seems like some sort of XY/coordinate matrix arrangement has been used. There are also voltages at unusual places and these vary as different things happen. This makes it much harder to understand and much harder to hack as adding to the circuit will cause detrimental effects e.g. displays don’t work
I also couldn’t find any easy-to-tap source of the overall heater status on the main PCB and when I initially placed a regular Optocoupler in parallel with the Control Panel’s status LED, it turned the main status LED off (again, detrimental effects).
Even getting power to my new node was initially interesting. What seemed like a good source on the Control Panel wasn’t (due to the matrix!) and options on the main PCB were either very high voltage, AC or supplying motors with high current or critical safety features I wanted to stay well clear of e.g. gas control solenoids, spark circuits, overheat thermostats*
Probably a good time for that safety reminder again. You’re not just dealing with electricity on this hack, but gas too. I’m deliberately staying well away from those circuits and their safety features and suggest you do the same. No tapping their power, no tapping their status’ and no overriding the control of them!!! My approach to this build was to remain isolated and do no harm.
If you’re still keen, this is what I came up with:
Powering the node
I am using a 3.3v Pro Mini in order to reduce the additional step down to 3.3 for the Radio. I’m also isolating the node from the heaters status and controls via optocouplers, so there’s no sharing of voltage or ground.
I initially used the 12v+ available elsewhere on the main PCB and at one stage even attempted to use a Buck Regulator instead of the AMS1117-3.3 stepdown I’m using now. For some reason the Buck never wanted to power the 3.3 arduino and radio – the voltage was there, but it never provided the 28mA require. It stayed around 3mA (I’ll probably come across this issue another day, but to date, I can only recall using them on the 5v arduinos).
Ultimately I tapped in the 5V that is available on the Control Panel which powers the IR Receiver.
Controlling the heater
While the Rinnai heater presents only a single Power button on the top of the Control Panel, it actually presses down on two surface mount micro switches. Both switches need to be pressed simultaneously for the unit to turn on, but pressing either one, turns it off. They share a common ground, but it wasn’t clear to me if the separate feeds was another safety feature.
Keeping with the approach of remaining isolated, I’ve simply bridged these two switches with the output of two EL4N35 optocouplers. I repeat, two. Don’t try and combine them. Simulating a physical button press then is as easy as activating both optocouplers at the same time from the Arduino for 200 milliseconds
Simulating two button presses for a short duration
This was the hardest part of the build. Even just understanding how the Control Panel’s combined green & red LED worked was difficult. There was always voltage at both sides and the drop over an active LED showed 0.19v on my meter??? It wasn’t until I later figured out about the secret of the matrix that this made more sense.
These are the things that I tried and failed with along the way:
Optocouplers across the Control Panel’s Red and Green LED wiring. This was originally wired up around the wrong as I had read just one side of the LED and made a high voltage assumption. Putting it around the correct way and the Control Panel’s status LED turned off (not a feature I would like to live with).
At this point, I also had the Optocoupler connected to one of the Arduino’s digital pins in the same way I did with the Daikin heatpump’s status LED. But even with the Optocoupler seeming taking all the power from the LED, the output still didn’t trigger anything in the Arduino nor on my meter.
Give up on the status LED and try elsewhere. Don’t try and tap into one of the Fan circuits! You’ll pop an optocoupler and not only let the smoke out of a resistor, but the flames too. My fault, I assumed the fan motor was running on a low voltage DC supply, but it was really a much higher AC supply just reading low on my meter. I really need to get a new meter!
Consider using a non-intrusive current meter across an AC wire somewhere. However, the entire unit only seems to draw around 0.25A so this would probably be pretty hit, miss and prone to misreadings and interpretations. Plus the heater can still be considered on, but not actually flaming, heating and blowing (the things that would actually make a difference with current detection).
Given that I could actually get a partially lit red 3mm LED in parallel to the Control Panel’s Red and Green, I came back to that and made my own Optocoupler using a 3DU5c Optotransistor. Unfortunately the dim lighting wasn’t enough to trigger the Optotransistor that I now had in place on the Aduino digital pin instead of the optocoupler. Other brightly lit Red LEDs worked fine. I tried other 3mm LED colors (most didn’t even light), an IR and a small, single 5050 RGB strip led. None had the light power to digitally trip the Optotransistor. Then the first penny dropped. Instead of digital to the Arduino, connect it to analog and read the output at a lower range. Voila!
Optotranistor to Arduino with a 3.3K ohm resistor to ground
Sampling above a reading of 0.3v and I could detect the dimly lit LED. However, it was pulsing. What?? Then the second penny dropped and with it, the reveal of the matrix’s secret!! In order for the coordinate based matrix to work, it would have to have a constant revolving coordinate cycle, or pulse, running through it. This is how a small amount of wires can control a large amount of LED outputs and input a large amount of switches.
While the status LEDs are digitally pulsing, the resulting blinking effect is too fast and not visible to the human eye. This is also how Pulse Width Modulation is used to reduced the brightness of LEDs. And this explains why the LEDs appeared to have 0.19v across them. They didn’t. They would have had more than this, but again only for a short amount of time. My cheap voltage meter doesn’t read this accurately and instead displays some lower, sampling level like average .
Catering for the pulse
Potentially I could have introduced a capacitor to smooth out the pulse. However, this would likely not charge enough for the time it would need to be off and it would likely leak current around the rest of the matrix and upset things. Instead, the issue needed to be solved in software.
End result. Sample 100 analog Optotransistor readings and if anyone of them is above 0.3v, consider the LED on. And do this only every two seconds, just to free up some cycles.
Sampling for heater status
voidloop(){if(millis()-statusTimer>2000){statusTimer=millis();boolgreenvalue=false;for(intx=0;x<100;x++){//Take 100 samples from the pulsing
greenvalue=(volts(A2)>0.3);//Only one of these needs to be on
if(greenvalue){//to consider the LED an
break;}}if(greenvalue!=oldGreenStatusLedValue){send(binGreenStatusLedmsg.set(greenvalue?1:0));oldGreenStatusLedValue=greenvalue;Serial.print("New Green value");}}}
Now knowledgeable of this information, potentially the original optocoupler circuit could have worked if it was wired up the Analog input. And potentially not. It was only the 3mm red LED that visually worked in parallel and an orange one to some extent. Perhaps the LED inside the Optocoupler may not have worked either.
Putting it all back together and testing went easy enough. I put a fast blow 350mA fuse in the 5V+ supply line to the Arduino and mounted it at the very top of the heater under the plastic. If I had put it elsewhere in the metal heater, it’s likely a Farady Cage effect would have resulted.
Just One Problem
Unfortunately the build wasn’t entirely successful. When I now press the temperature Up on the heater, the Child Lock comes on and the temperature does not go up. Disconnecting the new build does not resolve this, so it must have been something I did earlier when probing for circuits etc. I’m reasonably confident the new components I have added have not directly done this nor negatively influenceed things, but you have been warned. The only way to get the temperature up now is via the IR remote. Luckily we rarely need to alter this.
OpenHAB Config
SwitchClimate_Dining_Heater"Diningroom Heater"["Switchable"]{mqtt=">[mosquitto:mygateway1-in/61/1/0/0/2:command:*:default]"}NumberClimate_Dining_Heater_Green"Diningroom Heater green [%d]"{mqtt="<[mosquitto:mygateway1-out/61/1/1/0/16:state:default]"}NumberClimate_Dining_Heater_Red"Diningroom Heater red [%d]"{mqtt="<[mosquitto:mygateway1-out/61/2/1/0/16:state:default]"}
rule"Dining heater status changed"whenItemClimate_Dining_Heater_GreenchangedorItemClimate_Dining_Heater_Redchangedthenif(Climate_Dining_Heater_Green.state==1||Climate_Dining_Heater_Red.state==1){logInfo("Climate Control","Dining Heater updating to On. Green [{}], Red[{}]",Climate_Dining_Heater_Green.state,Climate_Dining_Heater_Red.state)Climate_Dining_Heater.postUpdate(ON)}else{logInfo("Climate Control","Dining Heater updating to Off")Climate_Dining_Heater.postUpdate(OFF)}end
TBD – automation logic something like turn on heater @ 7am if M-F and < 11 degrees outside
Sensor code
* The MySensors Arduino library handles the wireless radio link and protocol
* between your home built sensors/actuators and HA controller of choice.
* The sensors forms a self healing radio network with optional repeaters. Each
* repeater and gateway builds a routing tables in EEPROM which keeps track of the
* network topology allowing messages to be routed to nodes.
* Created by Henrik Ekblad <>
* Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Sensnology AB
* Full contributor list:
* Documentation:
* Support Forum:
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
*/// Enable debug prints to serial monitor
#define MY_DEBUG
// Enable and select radio type attached
#define MY_RADIO_NRF24
//#define MY_RADIO_NRF5_ESB
//#define MY_RADIO_RFM69
//#define MY_RADIO_RFM95
// Enable repeater functionality for this node
#define MY_NODE_ID 61
#include<MySensors.h>#define SWITCH_PIN_1 2
#define SWITCH_PIN_2 4
boololdGreenStatusLedValue=false;boololdRedStatusLedValue=false;MyMessagebinGreenStatusLedmsg(GREEN_STATUS_LED_CHILD_ID,V_TRIPPED);MyMessagebinRedStatusLedmsg(RED_STATUS_LED_CHILD_ID,V_TRIPPED);unsignedlongstatusTimer;voidsetup(){// Then set relay pins in output mode
pinMode(SWITCH_PIN_1,OUTPUT);pinMode(SWITCH_PIN_2,OUTPUT);}voidpresentation(){// Send the sketch version information to the gateway and Controller
sendSketchInfo("Dining Gas Heater","1.0");present(1,S_BINARY,"Heater Switch");present(GREEN_STATUS_LED_CHILD_ID,S_BINARY,"Heater Green Status");present(RED_STATUS_LED_CHILD_ID,S_BINARY,"Heater Red Status");}voidloop(){if(millis()-statusTimer>2000){statusTimer=millis();boolgreenvalue=false;for(intx=0;x<100;x++){//Take 100 samples from the pulsing
greenvalue=(volts(A2)>0.3);//Only one of these needs to be on
if(greenvalue){//to consider the LED an
break;}}if(greenvalue!=oldGreenStatusLedValue){send(binGreenStatusLedmsg.set(greenvalue?1:0));oldGreenStatusLedValue=greenvalue;Serial.print("New Green value");}boolredvalue=false;for(intx=0;x<100;x++){redvalue=(volts(A0)>0.3);if(redvalue){break;}}if(redvalue!=oldRedStatusLedValue){send(binRedStatusLedmsg.set(redvalue?1:0));oldRedStatusLedValue=redvalue;Serial.print("New Red value");}}}voidreceive(constMyMessage&message){// We only expect one type of message from controller. But we better check anyway.
if(message.type==V_STATUS){//Simulate button press for 200ms
Serial.print("Incoming switch press");digitalWrite(SWITCH_PIN_1,1);digitalWrite(SWITCH_PIN_2,1);wait(200);digitalWrite(SWITCH_PIN_1,0);digitalWrite(SWITCH_PIN_2,0);}}floatvolts(intadPin)// Measures volts at adPin
{// Returns floating point voltage
2.7 - Tropical Aquarium
Measuring House Power Consumption
MySensors actuator for Light Control.
Light Off/On automation controlled by OpenHAB
Aquarium Temperature sensor (DS18b20 Stainless Steel, Waterproof)
Powered by 5v phone charger
Alerts on High/Low temperatures
2.8 - TV Backlight
5050 RGB LED strip
12V power supply
12V for the LED Strip
LM2596 buck to drop the 12v down to 5v for the Arduino (because the node itself is left on all the time, I figured the buck is more efficient)
RFP30N06LE Mosfets
I originally thought I wouldn’t be a fan of light behind the TV. This was due to a friends mum always placing an old lamp behind an old CRT. The eyes just never liked it.
However, I was blown away instantly by how much better it is watching a modern TV with a back light setup like this. The issue is, in a dark room when the TV screen normally switches between light and dark settings, your eyes have to constantly keep adjusting to change in light. Personally, I could feel this impact on my eyes. With the back light on, this ongoing eye adjustment ceases and the viewing experience is physically much more enjoyable. I highly recommend it!
* The MySensors Arduino library handles the wireless radio link and protocol
* between your home built sensors/actuators and HA controller of choice.
* The sensors forms a self healing radio network with optional repeaters. Each
* repeater and gateway builds a routing tables in EEPROM which keeps track of the
* network topology allowing messages to be routed to nodes.
* Created by Henrik Ekblad <>
* Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Sensnology AB
* Full contributor list:
* Documentation:
* Support Forum:
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* Version 1.0 - Created by vil1driver
* RGB led strip controled with three dimmers + one On/Off for run/stop rgb color cycle :p
*/#define SN "RGB TV Backlight"
#define SV "v1"
// Enable debug prints to serial monitor
#define MY_DEBUG
// Enable and select radio type attached
#define MY_RADIO_NRF24
//#define MY_RADIO_RFM69
#define MY_NODE_ID 53
#include<SPI.h>#include<MySensor.h>// Arduino pin attached to MOSFET Gate pin
#define RED_PIN 3
#define GREEN_PIN 5
#define BLUE_PIN 6
// Define message name and type to send sensor info
MyMessageRedStatus(RED_PIN,V_DIMMER);MyMessageGreenStatus(GREEN_PIN,V_DIMMER);MyMessageBlueStatus(BLUE_PIN,V_DIMMER);MyMessageStatus(1,V_DIMMER);MyMessagergbShowState(0,V_LIGHT);// Serial.print translate sensor id to sensor name
charcolor[][6]={"","","","RED","","GREEN","BLUE"};// Vars for rgbShow function
intredval=0;intgreenval=0;intblueval=0;longtime=0;intisShow;voidsetup(){// Define pin mode (pin number, type)
pinMode(RED_PIN,OUTPUT);pinMode(GREEN_PIN,OUTPUT);pinMode(BLUE_PIN,OUTPUT);// Correct saved RGB value for first start
saveState(RED_PIN,constrain((int8_t)loadState(RED_PIN),0,100));saveState(GREEN_PIN,constrain((int8_t)loadState(GREEN_PIN),0,100));saveState(BLUE_PIN,constrain((int8_t)loadState(BLUE_PIN),0,100));// Get value from eeprom and write to output
analogWrite(RED_PIN,255*loadState(RED_PIN)/100);analogWrite(GREEN_PIN,255*loadState(GREEN_PIN)/100);analogWrite(BLUE_PIN,255*loadState(BLUE_PIN)/100);// Write some debug info
Serial.print("Load from eeprom RED: ");Serial.print(loadState(RED_PIN));Serial.println("%");Serial.print("Load from eeprom GREEN: ");Serial.print(loadState(GREEN_PIN));Serial.println("%");Serial.print("Load from eeprom BLUE: ");Serial.print(loadState(BLUE_PIN));Serial.println("%");// Send RGB value to controler (request ack back: true/false)
Serial.println("Send eeprom value to controler");send(RedStatus.set(loadState(RED_PIN)),false);send(GreenStatus.set(loadState(GREEN_PIN)),false);send(BlueStatus.set(loadState(BLUE_PIN)),false);// Correct RGB show state for first start and load it (set to 'On' at first start)
saveState(0,constrain((int8_t)loadState(0),0,1));isShow=loadState(0);// Send RGB show state to controler (request ack back: true/false)
send(rgbShowState.set(isShow),false);if(isShow==1){Serial.println("RGB show running...");}Serial.println("Ready to receive messages...");}voidpresentation(){// Present sketch (name, version)
sendSketchInfo(SN,SV);// Register sensors (id, type, description, ack back)
present(RED_PIN,S_DIMMER,"present RED light",false);present(GREEN_PIN,S_DIMMER,"present GREEN light",false);present(BLUE_PIN,S_DIMMER,"present BLUE light",false);present(0,S_LIGHT,"present Show button",false);}voidloop(){// Run RGB show if is set
if(isShow==1){rgbShow();analogWrite(RED_PIN,redval);analogWrite(GREEN_PIN,greenval);analogWrite(BLUE_PIN,blueval);}}voidreceive(constMyMessage&message){if(message.isAck()){Serial.println("Got ack from gateway");}if(message.type==V_LIGHT){// Incoming on/off command sent from controller ("1" or "0")
intlightState=message.getString()[0]=='1';// if receive RGB Show On commands, start the show
if(message.sensor==0&&lightState==1){rgbShowOn();}// if receive RGB Show Off commands, stop the show
elseif(message.sensor==0&&lightState==0){rgbShowOff();}// if receive RGB switch On command
elseif(lightState==1){// Write some debug info
Serial.print("Incoming change for ");Serial.print(color[message.sensor]);Serial.println(": On");Serial.print("Load from eeprom: ");if(loadState(message.sensor)==0){// Pick up last saved dimmer level from the eeprom
analogWrite(message.sensor,255*loadState(10*message.sensor)/100);// Save loaded value to current
saveState(message.sensor,loadState(10*message.sensor));Serial.print(loadState(10*message.sensor));Serial.println("%");// Send value to controler
Serial.println("Send value to controler");send(Status.setSensor(message.sensor).set(loadState(10*message.sensor)),false);}else{// Pick up last saved dimmer level from the eeprom
analogWrite(message.sensor,255*loadState(message.sensor)/100);Serial.print(loadState(message.sensor));Serial.println("%");// Send value to controler
Serial.println("Send value to controler");send(Status.setSensor(message.sensor).set(loadState(message.sensor)),false);}// Stop the show if it's running
if(isShow==1){rgbShowStop(message.sensor);}}// if recieve switch Off command
elseif(lightState==0){// Write output to 0 (Off)
analogWrite(message.sensor,0);// Save old value to eeprom if it'was not zero
if(loadState(message.sensor)!=0){saveState(10*message.sensor,constrain((int8_t)loadState(message.sensor),0,100));}// Save new value to eeprom
saveState(message.sensor,0);// Write some debug info
Serial.print("Incoming change for ");Serial.print(color[message.sensor]);Serial.print(": ");Serial.println("Off");Serial.print("Store old value: ");Serial.print(loadState(10*message.sensor));Serial.println("%");// Send value to controler
Serial.println("Send value to controler");send(Status.setSensor(message.sensor).set(loadState(message.sensor)),false);// Stop the show if it's running
if(isShow==1){rgbShowStop(message.sensor);}}}elseif(message.type==V_DIMMER){uint8_tincomingDimmerStatus=message.getByte();// limits range of sensor values to between 0 and 100
incomingDimmerStatus=constrain((int8_t)incomingDimmerStatus,0,100);// Change Dimmer level
analogWrite(message.sensor,255*incomingDimmerStatus/100);//Save value to eeprom
saveState(message.sensor,incomingDimmerStatus);// Write some debug info
Serial.print("Incoming change for ");Serial.print(color[message.sensor]);Serial.print(": ");Serial.print(incomingDimmerStatus);Serial.println("%");// Send value to controler
Serial.println("Send value to controler");send(Status.setSensor(message.sensor).set(loadState(message.sensor)),false);// Stop the show if it's running
if(isShow==1){rgbShowStop(message.sensor);}}}voidrgbShow(){time=millis();redval=128+250*cos(2*PI/300000*time);greenval=128+250*cos(2*PI/300000*time-222);blueval=128+250*cos(2*PI/300000*time-111);// limits range of sensor values to between 0 and 255
redval=constrain(redval,0,255);greenval=constrain(greenval,0,255);blueval=constrain(blueval,0,255);}voidrgbShowOn(){// define show On
isShow=1;// Save state
saveState(0,1);// Write some debug info
Serial.println("Show must go on");}voidrgbShowOff(){// define show Off
isShow=0;// Save state
saveState(0,0);// Save RGB value to eeprom
saveState(RED_PIN,100*redval/255);saveState(GREEN_PIN,100*greenval/255);saveState(BLUE_PIN,100*blueval/255);// Write some debug info
Serial.println("Stop the show (rgbShowOff)");// Send actual RGB value and state to controler and request ack back (true/false)
Serial.println("Send eeprom value to controler");send(RedStatus.set(loadState(RED_PIN)),false);send(GreenStatus.set(loadState(GREEN_PIN)),false);send(BlueStatus.set(loadState(BLUE_PIN)),false);send(rgbShowState.set(0),false);}voidrgbShowStop(intsensor){// define show Off
isShow=0;// Save state
saveState(0,0);// Write some debug info
Serial.println("Stop the show (rgbShowStop)");// Send actual RGB value and state to controler and request ack back (true/false)
Serial.println("Send eeprom value to controler");if(sensor!=RED_PIN){saveState(RED_PIN,100*redval/255);send(RedStatus.set(loadState(RED_PIN)),false);}if(sensor!=GREEN_PIN){saveState(GREEN_PIN,100*greenval/255);send(GreenStatus.set(loadState(GREEN_PIN)),false);}if(sensor!=BLUE_PIN){saveState(BLUE_PIN,100*blueval/255);send(BlueStatus.set(loadState(BLUE_PIN)),false);}send(rgbShowState.set(0),false);}
2.9 - Daikin Heatpumps
OpenHAB controlled heatpumps
Powered by Daikin
Direct injection to Daikin IR Receiver (no IR blaster)
Direct feedback
OpenHAB controlled to activate for heat when below 11 degrees and room has been marked as in use.
Opposite will occur when I code for the opposite in summer time here.
Heat pump remote can still be used and OpenHAB syncs to its state
WARNING: This build works around high voltage and directly injects into your heat pump.
My Company and I accept no liability whatsoever for your own well being or that of your heat pump.
Controlling the heat pump
In this modification, the Daikin heat pump is controlled directly from the Arduino. No IR Transmitter or blaster is used. It’s more technical, less portable, but more truly integrates and establishes the device as internet ready.
The basis of the code comes from the Arduino\Examples\HeatpumpIR\MySensorsNode example which in turn is based heavily on Ken Shirriff’s IRRemote library.
However, because we’re injecting directly into the IR Receiver and not using a transmitter, there are two small minor adjustments required.
As the Arduino output connects directly to the Daikin’s IR receiver output pin, it only needs to transmit the coded signal, not the PWM carrier signal.Within the IRSender.cpp code, identify the setFrequency method. Set the output pin to High, then exit the method so the carrier is not established e.g.
voidIRSender::setFrequency(intfrequency){uint8_tpwmval8=F_CPU/2000/(frequency);uint16_tpwmval16=F_CPU/2000/(frequency);pinMode(_pin,OUTPUT);// digitalWrite(_pin, LOW); // When not sending PWM, we want it low
digitalWrite(_pin,HIGH);// Comment out the LOW above and set this to high
return;//Then return out of here so PWM is not activated<br>
To allow the standard IR remote, we must set the Arduino pin back to Input, so it doesn’t interfere with normal operations. In the main MySenors code after the heatpump instruction is send to this
heatpumpIR[model]->send(irSender,power,mode,fan,temp,VDIR_UP,HDIR_AUTO);pinMode(3,INPUT);//When not sending IR signals, PIN 3 must be in INPUT mode so that the true Daikin remote control can send its IR signal.
Powering the MySensors Node
The node is running on 5V sourced from the Daikin unit’s IR Receiver. Ground is also from this. There’s a couple of pictures on this page describing and showing this connection and describing the pin out. As per further info below, don’t short this else you’ll be pulling the header units board out to replace fuse.
Regarding load on this voltage source and the mentioned fuse, I never had any issues with it, but to reduce potential & ensure no red light shines through the unit, I removed the Pro mini’s power LED (simply carefully crushed and pulled it off with my wire cutters). As I write this now though, I can’t recall if I did the same on the 3.3v regulator for the radio. That has a bright LED too. On one of the earlier builds, I simply covered that with a bit of paint 🙂
Obtaining the heat pump status
The heat pump status is obtained by connecting the heat pump status LED to the Arduino and a simple MySensors binary switch. However, the Daikin status LED has ~16v across it which is too high for the Arduino for a direct wiring. I used a EL4N35 Optocoupler in parallel with the LED to isolate the circuits.
In addition, to stop the Daikin status LED from dimming, a 330ohm resister was places in series with the optocopler.
Again, please be extremely careful with this build & I accept no liability whatsoever for any issues you may have with either your heat pump or your own life. You are dealing with high voltage components on one end and high cost components at the other.
I was extremely careful right through the prototyping stage to not cross the 5v wires from the heat pump. Unfortunately on the final wiring, they crossed and killed the Daikin board. After researching worst case alternatives & second hand ~$100 USD units from China, I set out to try and fix my board.
Two more nodes
Regarding this video: This is absolutely not a normal thing to to. The board is open and on the kitchen bench because I had to replace the fuse.
It’s connected to 240v and as I turn it on, you see the on-board LED begin to flash. As the camera then shows the laptop screen, after several seconds, the MySensors node which is connected to the board, the establishes communication with the MySensors Gateway and MQTT.
The re-occuring 1s and 0s represents the flashing status LED back within the black plastic. It will be doing this because it’s not happy that it’s not installed properly. In normal operation, the status LED is represented properly as either 1 or 0, On or Off back in OpenHAB.
I really don’t recommend you do this sort of thing yourself. This video is only for interested people and is not a how to guide. You run the risk of either killing yourself or your electronics. I don’t want to hear about either!
OpenHAB & Climate Control
We have a heat pump outlet in each bedroom. Each heat pump has 3 OpenHAB settings. Off, On & Auto. The first two are self explanatory and when using the standard Daikin remote, OpenHAB is synced automatically to the Off/On setting.
When OpenHAB has the heat pump set to Auto, this is when the fun begins. No longer do we control the heat pump, but instead we say that we are “Staying in the room”. This way, the house controls weather to turn on the heat pump or not. When the temperature outside goes below 11 degrees, the heat pump is turned on (and to Heat). When it rises above 12, it turns off again. There’s a 1 degree difference to stop is oscillating around 11 degrees while the night is still cooling.
I’ll configure the opposite controls when it gets to summer time here in New Zealand.
OpenHAB reports the current state of the heat pump.
The OpenHAB rules seem like a lot and they possibly are. However, I spent quite a lot of time getting them stable and to this point. I’m not to worried if there’s an extra line or two of logic in there. Certainly the tracing came in handy!
One day I’ll replace the manual “Staying in the room” selection with some smart presence detection. I’ll also be adding a rule that says around 9am in the morning, that regardless of the temperature outside, this switch will be set to false – basically, you should be out of bed!
OpenHAB Items
GroupgClimate"Climate"(All)<br>GroupgClimateControls"Climate Controls"(All)NumberTemperatures_Chart_Period"Chart Period"NumberShed_Temperature2"temporary temperature [%.1f C]"<temperature>(gClimate){mqtt="<[mosquitto:mygateway1-out/45/0/1/0/0:state:default]"}NumberGarage_Temperature"Garage Temperature [%.1f C]"<temperature>(gClimate){mqtt="<[mosquitto:mygateway1-out/46/2/1/0/0:state:default]"}NumberGarage_Attic_Temperature"Attic Temperature [%.1f C]"<temperature>(gClimate){mqtt="<[mosquitto:mygateway1-out/46/0/1/0/0:state:default]"}NumberOutdoor_Temperature"Outdoor Temperature [%.1f C]"<temperature>(gClimate){mqtt="<[mosquitto:mygateway1-out/46/1/1/0/0:state:default]"}NumberClimate_Control_Master_Bedroom"Climate control required in Master bedroom"{}NumberHeatpump_Master_Bedroom_Status"Master Bedroom Heatpump [MAP(]"<light>(gClimateControls){mqtt="<[mosquitto:mygateway1-out/55/2/1/0/16:state:default]"}StringHeatpump_Master_Bedroom_Control"[%s]"{mqtt=">[mosquitto:mygateway1-in/55/1/0/0/32:command:*:default]"}SwitchClimate_Staying_Master_Bedroom"Staying in Master bedroom"{}NumberClimate_Control_xxxxx_Bedroom"Climate control required in xxxxx bedroom"{}NumberHeatpump_xxxxx_Bedroom_Status"xxxxx Bedroom Heatpump [MAP(]"<light>(gClimateControls){mqtt="<[mosquitto:mygateway1-out/56/2/1/0/16:state:default]"}StringHeatpump_xxxxx_Bedroom_Control"[%s]"{mqtt=">[mosquitto:mygateway1-in/56/1/0/0/32:command:*:default]"}SwitchClimate_Staying_xxxxx_Bedroom"Staying in xxxxx bedroom"{}NumberHeatpump_xxxxx_Temperature"xxxxxh's Room [%.1f C]"<temperature>(gClimate){mqtt="<[mosquitto:mygateway1-out/56/0/1/0/0:state:default]"}
importorg.openhab.core.library.types.*importorg.openhab.core.persistence.*importorg.openhab.model.script.actions.**importorg.joda.time.*varStringheatpump_heat="00012112"varStringheatpump_off="00002112"varStringheatpump_setting=""varintturn_off=0varintcold_temperature=11varintopenhab_controlled_master_bedroom=0varDateTimelast_set_by_openhabrule"Climate Control"whenItemOutdoor_TemperaturechangedorItemClimate_Control_Master_BedroomchangedorItemClimate_Staying_Master_BedroomchangedorItemClimate_Control_xxxxx_BedroomchangedorItemClimate_Staying_xxxxx_BedroomchangedorthenlogInfo("Climate Control","Running Climate Control. Outdoor temperature is [{}]",Outdoor_Temperature.state)turn_off=0if((Outdoor_Temperature.state<cold_temperature)||(Heatpump_Master_Bedroom_Status.state==1&&Outdoor_Temperature.state<cold_temperature+1)){//the OR bit above ensures if the heatpump is on and the temperature flucuates above the
//trigger by less than a degree, the pump remains on
logInfo("Climate Control","Outdoor temperature is below cold temperature. Heatpumps will be set to Heat if necessary")heatpump_setting=heatpump_heat}//else todo, outdoor > hot_temperature //I'll do this in the summer time!
else{logInfo("Climate Control","Neither hot, nor cold. Heatpumps will be turned off"turn_off=1}//0 = Off, 1=On, 2=Auto
/* MASTER BEDROOM */if(Climate_Control_Master_Bedroom.state==0){logInfo("Climate Control","Master Bedroom state has been selected to be off")if(Heatpump_Master_Bedroom_Status.state!=0){logInfo("Climate Control","Master bedroom is on, so turning it off")last_set_by_openhab=nowHeatpump_Master_Bedroom_Control.sendCommand(heatpump_off)}}elseif(Climate_Control_Master_Bedroom.state==1){logInfo("Climate Control","Master Bedroom state has been selected to be On")if(Heatpump_Master_Bedroom_Status.state!=1){logInfo("Climate Control","Master bedroom is off, so turning it on")last_set_by_openhab=nowHeatpump_Master_Bedroom_Control.sendCommand(heatpump_setting)// Thread::sleep(1000)
// Heatpump_Master_Bedroom_Control.sendCommand(heatpump_setting)
}}elseif(Climate_Control_Master_Bedroom.state==2){logInfo("Climate Control","Master Bedroom requries Auto climate control")if(Climate_Staying_Master_Bedroom.state==ON){if(turn_off==1){if(Heatpump_Master_Bedroom_Status.state==0){logInfo("Climate Control","Master Bedroom presence, but heatpump should be off and it already is")}else{logInfo("Climate Control","Master Bedroom presence, but heatpump needs to be turned off. Sending [{}]",heatpump_setting)last_set_by_openhab=nowHeatpump_Master_Bedroom_Control.sendCommand(heatpump_off)}}else{if(Heatpump_Master_Bedroom_Status.state!=1){logInfo("Climate Control","Master Bedroom presence, heatpump needs to be turned on. Sending [{}]",heatpump_setting)last_set_by_openhab=nowHeatpump_Master_Bedroom_Control.sendCommand(heatpump_setting)}else{logInfo("Climate Control","Master Bedroom presence, heatpump is alreay in an on state")}}}else{//No presence, turn off if necessary
if(Heatpump_Master_Bedroom_Status.state!=1){logInfo("Climate Control","Master Bedroom no presence, heatpump should be off and it already is")}else{logInfo("Climate Control","Master Bedroom no presence, heatpump needs to be turned off. Sending [{}]",heatpump_setting)last_set_by_openhab=nowHeatpump_Master_Bedroom_Control.sendCommand(heatpump_off)}}}/* xxxxx BEDROOM */if(Climate_Control_xxxxx_Bedroom.state==0){logInfo("Climate Control","xxxxx Bedroom state has been selected to be off")if(Heatpump_xxxxx_Bedroom_Status.state!=0){logInfo("Climate Control","xxxxx bedroom is on, so turning it off")last_set_by_openhab=nowHeatpump_xxxxx_Bedroom_Control.sendCommand(heatpump_off)}}elseif(Climate_Control_xxxxx_Bedroom.state==1){logInfo("Climate Control","xxxxx Bedroom state has been selected to be On")if(Heatpump_xxxxx_Bedroom_Status.state!=1){logInfo("Climate Control","xxxxx bedroom is off, so turning it on")last_set_by_openhab=nowHeatpump_xxxxx_Bedroom_Control.sendCommand(heatpump_setting)// Thread::sleep(1000)
// Heatpump_xxxxx_Bedroom_Control.sendCommand(heatpump_setting)
}}elseif(Climate_Control_xxxxx_Bedroom.state==2){logInfo("Climate Control","xxxxx Bedroom requries Auto climate control")if(Climate_Staying_xxxxx_Bedroom.state==ON){if(turn_off==1){if(Heatpump_xxxxx_Bedroom_Status.state==0){logInfo("Climate Control","xxxxx Bedroom presence, but heatpump should be off and it already is")}else{logInfo("Climate Control","xxxxx Bedroom presence, but heatpump needs to be turned off. Sending [{}]",heatpump_setting)last_set_by_openhab=nowHeatpump_xxxxx_Bedroom_Control.sendCommand(heatpump_off)}}else{if(Heatpump_xxxxx_Bedroom_Status.state!=1){logInfo("Climate Control","xxxxx Bedroom presence, heatpump needs to be turned on. Sending [{}]",heatpump_setting)last_set_by_openhab=nowHeatpump_xxxxx_Bedroom_Control.sendCommand(heatpump_setting)}else{logInfo("Climate Control","xxxxx Bedroom presence, heatpump is alreay in an on state")}}}else{//No presence, turn off if necessary
if(Heatpump_xxxxx_Bedroom_Status.state!=1){logInfo("Climate Control","xxxxx Bedroom no presence, heatpump should be off and it already is")}else{logInfo("Climate Control","xxxxx Bedroom no presence, heatpump needs to be turned off. Sending [{}]",heatpump_setting)last_set_by_openhab=nowHeatpump_xxxxx_Bedroom_Control.sendCommand(heatpump_off)}}}endrule"Heatpump_Master_Bedroom_Status changed"whenItemHeatpump_Master_Bedroom_Statuschangedthen//if someone has set the heatpump and it wasn't openhab recently, then wait a little bit for any lights to stop flashing
//and sync the state
if(last_set_by_openhab==null||!last_set_by_openhab.plusSeconds(5).isAfter(now)){logInfo("Climate Control","Heatpump_Master_Bedroom_Status changed and it wasn't by openhab")Thread::sleep(1500)//if new state is not on (off), set openhab to off
if(Heatpump_Master_Bedroom_Status.state!=1&&Climate_Control_Master_Bedroom.state!=0){logInfo("Climate Control","Climate_Control_Master_Bedroom.postUpdate(0);"Climate_Control_Master_Bedroom.postUpdate(0);}//if new state it not off (on), set openhab to on
if(Heatpump_Master_Bedroom_Status.state!=0&&Climate_Control_Master_Bedroom.state!=1){logInfo("Climate Control","Climate_Control_Master_Bedroom.postUpdate(1);"Climate_Control_Master_Bedroom.postUpdate(1);}}else{logInfo("Climate Control","Heatpump_Master_Bedroom_Status changed, but OpenHAB had changed it, so not syncing ")}endrule"Heatpump_xxxxx_Bedroom_Status changed"whenItemHeatpump_xxxxx_Bedroom_Statuschangedthen//if someone has set the heatpump and it wasn't openhab recently, then wait a little bit for any lights to stop flashing
//and sync the state
if(last_set_by_openhab==null||!last_set_by_openhab.plusSeconds(5).isAfter(now)){logInfo("Climate Control","Heatpump_xxxxx_Bedroom_Status changed and it wasn't by openhab")Thread::sleep(1500)//if new state is not on (off), set openhab to off
if(Heatpump_xxxxx_Bedroom_Status.state!=1&&Climate_Control_xxxxx_Bedroom.state!=0){logInfo("Climate Control","Climate_Control_xxxxx_Bedroom.postUpdate(0);"Climate_Control_xxxxx_Bedroom.postUpdate(0);}//if new state it not off (on), set openhab to on
if(Heatpump_xxxxx_Bedroom_Status.state!=0&&Climate_Control_xxxxx_Bedroom.state!=1){logInfo("Climate Control","Climate_Control_xxxxx_Bedroom.postUpdate(1);"Climate_Control_xxxxx_Bedroom.postUpdate(1);}}else{logInfo("Climate Control","Heatpump_xxxxx_Bedroom_Status changed, but OpenHAB had changed it, so not syncing ")}end
Software on the MySensors Node
importorg.openhab.core.library.types.*importorg.openhab.core.persistence.*importorg.openhab.model.script.actions.**importorg.joda.time.*varStringheatpump_heat="00012112"varStringheatpump_off="00002112"varStringheatpump_setting=""varintturn_off=0varintcold_temperature=11varintopenhab_controlled_master_bedroom=0varDateTimelast_set_by_openhabrule"Climate Control"whenItemOutdoor_TemperaturechangedorItemClimate_Control_Master_BedroomchangedorItemClimate_Staying_Master_BedroomchangedorItemClimate_Control_xxxxx_BedroomchangedorItemClimate_Staying_xxxxx_BedroomchangedorthenlogInfo("Climate Control","Running Climate Control. Outdoor temperature is [{}]",Outdoor_Temperature.state)turn_off=0if((Outdoor_Temperature.state<cold_temperature)||(Heatpump_Master_Bedroom_Status.state==1&&Outdoor_Temperature.state<cold_temperature+1)){//the OR bit above ensures if the heatpump is on and the temperature flucuates above the
//trigger by less than a degree, the pump remains on
logInfo("Climate Control","Outdoor temperature is below cold temperature. Heatpumps will be set to Heat if necessary")heatpump_setting=heatpump_heat}//else todo, outdoor > hot_temperature //I'll do this in the summer time!
else{logInfo("Climate Control","Neither hot, nor cold. Heatpumps will be turned off"turn_off=1}//0 = Off, 1=On, 2=Auto
/* MASTER BEDROOM */if(Climate_Control_Master_Bedroom.state==0){logInfo("Climate Control","Master Bedroom state has been selected to be off")if(Heatpump_Master_Bedroom_Status.state!=0){logInfo("Climate Control","Master bedroom is on, so turning it off")last_set_by_openhab=nowHeatpump_Master_Bedroom_Control.sendCommand(heatpump_off)}}elseif(Climate_Control_Master_Bedroom.state==1){logInfo("Climate Control","Master Bedroom state has been selected to be On")if(Heatpump_Master_Bedroom_Status.state!=1){logInfo("Climate Control","Master bedroom is off, so turning it on")last_set_by_openhab=nowHeatpump_Master_Bedroom_Control.sendCommand(heatpump_setting)// Thread::sleep(1000)
// Heatpump_Master_Bedroom_Control.sendCommand(heatpump_setting)
}}elseif(Climate_Control_Master_Bedroom.state==2){logInfo("Climate Control","Master Bedroom requries Auto climate control")if(Climate_Staying_Master_Bedroom.state==ON){if(turn_off==1){if(Heatpump_Master_Bedroom_Status.state==0){logInfo("Climate Control","Master Bedroom presence, but heatpump should be off and it already is")}else{logInfo("Climate Control","Master Bedroom presence, but heatpump needs to be turned off. Sending [{}]",heatpump_setting)last_set_by_openhab=nowHeatpump_Master_Bedroom_Control.sendCommand(heatpump_off)}}else{if(Heatpump_Master_Bedroom_Status.state!=1){logInfo("Climate Control","Master Bedroom presence, heatpump needs to be turned on. Sending [{}]",heatpump_setting)last_set_by_openhab=nowHeatpump_Master_Bedroom_Control.sendCommand(heatpump_setting)}else{logInfo("Climate Control","Master Bedroom presence, heatpump is alreay in an on state")}}}else{//No presence, turn off if necessary
if(Heatpump_Master_Bedroom_Status.state!=1){logInfo("Climate Control","Master Bedroom no presence, heatpump should be off and it already is")}else{logInfo("Climate Control","Master Bedroom no presence, heatpump needs to be turned off. Sending [{}]",heatpump_setting)last_set_by_openhab=nowHeatpump_Master_Bedroom_Control.sendCommand(heatpump_off)}}}/* xxxxx BEDROOM */if(Climate_Control_xxxxx_Bedroom.state==0){logInfo("Climate Control","xxxxx Bedroom state has been selected to be off")if(Heatpump_xxxxx_Bedroom_Status.state!=0){logInfo("Climate Control","xxxxx bedroom is on, so turning it off")last_set_by_openhab=nowHeatpump_xxxxx_Bedroom_Control.sendCommand(heatpump_off)}}elseif(Climate_Control_xxxxx_Bedroom.state==1){logInfo("Climate Control","xxxxx Bedroom state has been selected to be On")if(Heatpump_xxxxx_Bedroom_Status.state!=1){logInfo("Climate Control","xxxxx bedroom is off, so turning it on")last_set_by_openhab=nowHeatpump_xxxxx_Bedroom_Control.sendCommand(heatpump_setting)// Thread::sleep(1000)
// Heatpump_xxxxx_Bedroom_Control.sendCommand(heatpump_setting)
}}elseif(Climate_Control_xxxxx_Bedroom.state==2){logInfo("Climate Control","xxxxx Bedroom requries Auto climate control")if(Climate_Staying_xxxxx_Bedroom.state==ON){if(turn_off==1){if(Heatpump_xxxxx_Bedroom_Status.state==0){logInfo("Climate Control","xxxxx Bedroom presence, but heatpump should be off and it already is")}else{logInfo("Climate Control","xxxxx Bedroom presence, but heatpump needs to be turned off. Sending [{}]",heatpump_setting)last_set_by_openhab=nowHeatpump_xxxxx_Bedroom_Control.sendCommand(heatpump_off)}}else{if(Heatpump_xxxxx_Bedroom_Status.state!=1){logInfo("Climate Control","xxxxx Bedroom presence, heatpump needs to be turned on. Sending [{}]",heatpump_setting)last_set_by_openhab=nowHeatpump_xxxxx_Bedroom_Control.sendCommand(heatpump_setting)}else{logInfo("Climate Control","xxxxx Bedroom presence, heatpump is alreay in an on state")}}}else{//No presence, turn off if necessary
if(Heatpump_xxxxx_Bedroom_Status.state!=1){logInfo("Climate Control","xxxxx Bedroom no presence, heatpump should be off and it already is")}else{logInfo("Climate Control","xxxxx Bedroom no presence, heatpump needs to be turned off. Sending [{}]",heatpump_setting)last_set_by_openhab=nowHeatpump_xxxxx_Bedroom_Control.sendCommand(heatpump_off)}}}endrule"Heatpump_Master_Bedroom_Status changed"whenItemHeatpump_Master_Bedroom_Statuschangedthen//if someone has set the heatpump and it wasn't openhab recently, then wait a little bit for any lights to stop flashing
//and sync the state
if(last_set_by_openhab==null||!last_set_by_openhab.plusSeconds(5).isAfter(now)){logInfo("Climate Control","Heatpump_Master_Bedroom_Status changed and it wasn't by openhab")Thread::sleep(1500)//if new state is not on (off), set openhab to off
if(Heatpump_Master_Bedroom_Status.state!=1&&Climate_Control_Master_Bedroom.state!=0){logInfo("Climate Control","Climate_Control_Master_Bedroom.postUpdate(0);"Climate_Control_Master_Bedroom.postUpdate(0);}//if new state it not off (on), set openhab to on
if(Heatpump_Master_Bedroom_Status.state!=0&&Climate_Control_Master_Bedroom.state!=1){logInfo("Climate Control","Climate_Control_Master_Bedroom.postUpdate(1);"Climate_Control_Master_Bedroom.postUpdate(1);}}else{logInfo("Climate Control","Heatpump_Master_Bedroom_Status changed, but OpenHAB had changed it, so not syncing ")}endrule"Heatpump_xxxxx_Bedroom_Status changed"whenItemHeatpump_xxxxx_Bedroom_Statuschangedthen//if someone has set the heatpump and it wasn't openhab recently, then wait a little bit for any lights to stop flashing
//and sync the state
if(last_set_by_openhab==null||!last_set_by_openhab.plusSeconds(5).isAfter(now)){logInfo("Climate Control","Heatpump_xxxxx_Bedroom_Status changed and it wasn't by openhab")Thread::sleep(1500)//if new state is not on (off), set openhab to off
if(Heatpump_xxxxx_Bedroom_Status.state!=1&&Climate_Control_xxxxx_Bedroom.state!=0){logInfo("Climate Control","Climate_Control_xxxxx_Bedroom.postUpdate(0);"Climate_Control_xxxxx_Bedroom.postUpdate(0);}//if new state it not off (on), set openhab to on
if(Heatpump_xxxxx_Bedroom_Status.state!=0&&Climate_Control_xxxxx_Bedroom.state!=1){logInfo("Climate Control","Climate_Control_xxxxx_Bedroom.postUpdate(1);"Climate_Control_xxxxx_Bedroom.postUpdate(1);}}else{logInfo("Climate Control","Heatpump_xxxxx_Bedroom_Status changed, but OpenHAB had changed it, so not syncing ")}end
3 - Other Components
3.1 - Lifx WiFi Lightbulbs
While the LIFX LED bulbs are not part of the MySensors network, they are still part of the Smart Home. LIFX bulbs connect directly to the Wi-Fi network and require no additional hardware.
We use the LIFX application for additional effects, but keep simple, default lighting settings as quick actions in OpenHAB.
The bulbs are allocated Static IP addresses and physically left on all of the time. They are controlled by OpenHAB with executed shell scripts.
In our case, the lounge LIFX bulbs have been retrofitted into what was two 150W Halogen light fittings. Originally, 300w of power was being consumed when the lights were on.
As bulbs, the LIFX product is more expensive to buy, but with all four on for a total of 44w, they’re a lot cheaper to power. Not to mention the color effects, software based LED dimming and countless automation opportunities. Standby power consumption with the 4 remaining physically on all the time is only ~2.8w
Incidentally, the remainder of the house has also been moved over to Philips LED bulbs and at only 14w a piece, we can run the entire house on less than what it used cost to run two 100w incandescent bulbs.
OpenHAB Scripts for quick Off, On, Movie, Half White settings
rule"Lounge Lights"whenItemLounge_Lightsreceivedcommandthenif(receivedCommand==0){executeCommandLine("/etc/openhab/configurations/scripts/lifx/");say("Turning lounge lights off");}elseif(receivedCommand==1){executeCommandLine("/etc/openhab/configurations/scripts/lifx/");say("Turning lounge lights on");}elseif(receivedCommand==2){executeCommandLine("/etc/openhab/configurations/scripts/lifx/");say("Setting lounge lights to movie mode");}elseif(receivedCommand==3){executeCommandLine("/etc/openhab/configurations/scripts/lifx/");say("Setting lounge lights to half white");}end
#!/usr/bin/env python"""
Simple implementation of colour-sending functionality,
without the ACK/retry functionality. Send only, no listen.
Author: Petr Klus
"""RETRIES=5DELAY=0.05UDP_PORT=56700importsocketimporttimeimportsysimportrandomfromtoolsimportgen_packetSEQ_NUM=random.randint(0,255)defset_HSBK(bulb_ip,hue,sat,bri,kel=3500):printhue,sat,bri,kelfor_inrange(RETRIES):sock.sendto(gen_packet(hue,sat,bri,kel,SEQ_NUM),(bulb_ip,UDP_PORT))time.sleep(DELAY)if__name__=="__main__":printsys.argv# different for each executionprint"Using sequence number:",SEQ_NUMsock=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_DGRAM)# UDPbulb_ip=sys.argv[1]iflen(sys.argv)==2:# demoprint"Testing H"forxinrange(80):set_HSBK(bulb_ip,360/80*x,100,100)time.sleep(0.1)print"Testing S"forxinrange(21):set_HSBK(bulb_ip,120,x*5,100)time.sleep(0.1)print"Testing B"forxinrange(11):set_HSBK(bulb_ip,360,100,x*10)time.sleep(0.1)print"Testing K"forxinrange(10):set_HSBK(bulb_ip,360,0,100,6500/10*x+2500)time.sleep(0.3)else:bulb_ip=sys.argv[1]hue,sat,bri,kel=map(int,sys.argv[2:])set_HSBK(bulb_ip,hue,sat,bri,kel)
3.2 - WiFi RGB Controller
An alternate approach to building a MySensors RGB Controller is to now purchase a WiFi RGB Controller. These are available in Bluetooth too, but proximity issues meant the WiFi works better for me. And they are available in RGBW.
These little controllers are fantastic. Capable of supplying 144w – that’s over 15 meters of RGB. The results below are from some experimenting. Needless to say, I’ll be buying more of these instead of the DIY approach in the future.
Current Draw from 5m of RGB strip
Documenting current draw on a 5m strip as I never managed to find this information anywhere. Strip was standard 60 LEDs / Meter
Red only
Green only
Blue only
Applying Voltage at both ends avoids dimmer lights due to voltage drop. And I don’t yet know why the RGB current draw wasn’t the sum of all parts.
4 - Bonus Item
4.1 - Arcade Machine
After a step back in time when visiting the Pinball Hall of Fame in Las Vegas, we decided to make an Arcade machine for Xmas 2015.
The basic outline started off as a piece of paper hung on the wall and then onto cutouts made from MDF.
From there the sides and base were glued together and things started to take shape (and get heavier).
Other bits of wood were glued and screwed to the inside to secure other panels required in several steps time e.g. top, speaker panel, back panel.
Always thinking about what’s required in several steps time! Every time I tried to go to sleep – thinking, thinking, thinking.
A bit of priming/sealing as we go. The bracket on the right is from the 19″ LCD monitor that will fit in later
The dolly was created just to move it around. It’s not a permanent part of the machine.
Mocking up the controls on plastic.
Before creating the control panel and wiring up the I-PAC.
Notice the brackets on the outside edges of the control panel. It will later be held in place by locking latches.
Not yet finished, but operational and ready enough for delivery as a Xmas present.
Sound insulation used to add more base to the speakers. Little overkill, but in went a pair of 130W Sony Car speakers, so might as well make it sound good.
When it gets to loud, there’s a couple of 3.5mm connections at the front for headphones. Though as we found out after the build, it’s not the noise of the machine that’s loud, but the noise of the kids playing it!
Also fitted now is perspex screen in front of the LCD monitor.
The kick panel at the front is hinged for opening.
The laptop sits on a draw with runners that pulls out
Silver T-molding going on & notice the five rows of LED strip that will form the back lighting for the marquee.
Buttons removed after Xmas to put on the artwork and perspex. Perspex size was cut to order, but holes we did ourselves with a plastic spade bit on slow and where it would reach, a drill press