TV Backlight
- 5050 RGB LED strip
- 12V power supply
- 12V for the LED Strip
- LM2596 buck to drop the 12v down to 5v for the Arduino (because the node itself is left on all the time, I figured the buck is more efficient)
- RFP30N06LE Mosfets
I originally thought I wouldn’t be a fan of light behind the TV. This was due to a friends mum always placing an old lamp behind an old CRT. The eyes just never liked it.
However, I was blown away instantly by how much better it is watching a modern TV with a back light setup like this. The issue is, in a dark room when the TV screen normally switches between light and dark settings, your eyes have to constantly keep adjusting to change in light. Personally, I could feel this impact on my eyes. With the back light on, this ongoing eye adjustment ceases and the viewing experience is physically much more enjoyable. I highly recommend it!
The basics of the RGB wiring are described here while the rest is MySensors radio work and power.
* The MySensors Arduino library handles the wireless radio link and protocol
* between your home built sensors/actuators and HA controller of choice.
* The sensors forms a self healing radio network with optional repeaters. Each
* repeater and gateway builds a routing tables in EEPROM which keeps track of the
* network topology allowing messages to be routed to nodes.
* Created by Henrik Ekblad <>
* Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Sensnology AB
* Full contributor list:
* Documentation:
* Support Forum:
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* Version 1.0 - Created by vil1driver
* RGB led strip controled with three dimmers + one On/Off for run/stop rgb color cycle :p
#define SN "RGB TV Backlight"
#define SV "v1"
// Enable debug prints to serial monitor
#define MY_DEBUG
// Enable and select radio type attached
#define MY_RADIO_NRF24
//#define MY_RADIO_RFM69
#define MY_NODE_ID 53
#include <SPI.h>
#include <MySensor.h>
// Arduino pin attached to MOSFET Gate pin
#define RED_PIN 3
#define GREEN_PIN 5
#define BLUE_PIN 6
// Define message name and type to send sensor info
MyMessage RedStatus(RED_PIN, V_DIMMER);
MyMessage GreenStatus(GREEN_PIN, V_DIMMER);
MyMessage BlueStatus(BLUE_PIN, V_DIMMER);
MyMessage Status(1, V_DIMMER);
MyMessage rgbShowState(0, V_LIGHT);
// Serial.print translate sensor id to sensor name
char color[][6] = {"","","","RED","","GREEN","BLUE"};
// Vars for rgbShow function
int redval = 0;
int greenval = 0;
int blueval = 0;
long time=0;
int isShow;
void setup()
// Define pin mode (pin number, type)
// Correct saved RGB value for first start
saveState(RED_PIN, constrain((int8_t)loadState(RED_PIN), 0, 100));
saveState(GREEN_PIN, constrain((int8_t)loadState(GREEN_PIN), 0, 100));
saveState(BLUE_PIN, constrain((int8_t)loadState(BLUE_PIN), 0, 100));
// Get value from eeprom and write to output
analogWrite(RED_PIN, 255 * loadState(RED_PIN) / 100);
analogWrite(GREEN_PIN, 255 * loadState(GREEN_PIN) / 100);
analogWrite(BLUE_PIN, 255 * loadState(BLUE_PIN) / 100);
// Write some debug info
Serial.print("Load from eeprom RED: ");
Serial.print("Load from eeprom GREEN: ");
Serial.print("Load from eeprom BLUE: ");
// Send RGB value to controler (request ack back: true/false)
Serial.println("Send eeprom value to controler");
send( RedStatus.set(loadState(RED_PIN)), false );
send( GreenStatus.set(loadState(GREEN_PIN)), false );
send( BlueStatus.set(loadState(BLUE_PIN)), false );
// Correct RGB show state for first start and load it (set to 'On' at first start)
saveState(0, constrain((int8_t)loadState(0), 0, 1));
// Send RGB show state to controler (request ack back: true/false)
send( rgbShowState.set(isShow), false);
if (isShow==1){Serial.println("RGB show running..."); }
Serial.println("Ready to receive messages...");
void presentation() {
// Present sketch (name, version)
sendSketchInfo(SN, SV);
// Register sensors (id, type, description, ack back)
present(RED_PIN, S_DIMMER, "present RED light", false);
present(GREEN_PIN, S_DIMMER, "present GREEN light", false);
present(BLUE_PIN, S_DIMMER, "present BLUE light", false);
present(0, S_LIGHT, "present Show button", false);
void loop()
// Run RGB show if is set
if (isShow==1)
analogWrite(RED_PIN, redval);
analogWrite(GREEN_PIN, greenval);
analogWrite(BLUE_PIN, blueval);
void receive(const MyMessage &message)
if (message.isAck())
Serial.println("Got ack from gateway");
if (message.type == V_LIGHT)
// Incoming on/off command sent from controller ("1" or "0")
int lightState = message.getString()[0] == '1';
// if receive RGB Show On commands, start the show
if (message.sensor==0 && lightState==1){ rgbShowOn(); }
// if receive RGB Show Off commands, stop the show
else if (message.sensor==0 && lightState==0){ rgbShowOff(); }
// if receive RGB switch On command
else if (lightState==1)
// Write some debug info
Serial.print("Incoming change for ");
Serial.println(": On");
Serial.print("Load from eeprom: ");
if ( loadState(message.sensor) == 0)
// Pick up last saved dimmer level from the eeprom
analogWrite(message.sensor, 255 * loadState(10*message.sensor) / 100);
// Save loaded value to current
saveState(message.sensor, loadState(10*message.sensor));
// Send value to controler
Serial.println("Send value to controler");
// Pick up last saved dimmer level from the eeprom
analogWrite(message.sensor, 255 * loadState(message.sensor) / 100);
// Send value to controler
Serial.println("Send value to controler");
// Stop the show if it's running
if (isShow==1){ rgbShowStop(message.sensor); }
// if recieve switch Off command
else if (lightState==0)
// Write output to 0 (Off)
analogWrite(message.sensor, 0);
// Save old value to eeprom if it'was not zero
if ( loadState(message.sensor) != 0 )
saveState(10*message.sensor, constrain((int8_t)loadState(message.sensor), 0, 100));
// Save new value to eeprom
saveState(message.sensor, 0);
// Write some debug info
Serial.print("Incoming change for ");
Serial.print(": ");
Serial.print("Store old value: ");
// Send value to controler
Serial.println("Send value to controler");
// Stop the show if it's running
if (isShow==1){ rgbShowStop(message.sensor); }
else if (message.type == V_DIMMER)
uint8_t incomingDimmerStatus = message.getByte();
// limits range of sensor values to between 0 and 100
incomingDimmerStatus = constrain((int8_t)incomingDimmerStatus, 0, 100);
// Change Dimmer level
analogWrite(message.sensor, 255 * incomingDimmerStatus / 100);
//Save value to eeprom
saveState(message.sensor, incomingDimmerStatus);
// Write some debug info
Serial.print("Incoming change for ");
Serial.print(": ");
// Send value to controler
Serial.println("Send value to controler");
// Stop the show if it's running
if (isShow==1){ rgbShowStop(message.sensor); }
void rgbShow()
time = millis();
redval = 128+250*cos(2*PI/300000*time);
greenval = 128+250*cos(2*PI/300000*time-222);
blueval = 128+250*cos(2*PI/300000*time-111);
// limits range of sensor values to between 0 and 255
redval = constrain(redval, 0, 255);
greenval = constrain(greenval, 0, 255);
blueval = constrain(blueval, 0, 255);
void rgbShowOn()
// define show On
// Save state
saveState(0, 1);
// Write some debug info
Serial.println("Show must go on");
void rgbShowOff()
// define show Off
// Save state
saveState(0, 0);
// Save RGB value to eeprom
saveState(RED_PIN, 100 * redval / 255);
saveState(GREEN_PIN, 100 * greenval / 255);
saveState(BLUE_PIN, 100 * blueval / 255);
// Write some debug info
Serial.println("Stop the show (rgbShowOff)");
// Send actual RGB value and state to controler and request ack back (true/false)
Serial.println("Send eeprom value to controler");
send( RedStatus.set(loadState(RED_PIN)), false );
send( GreenStatus.set(loadState(GREEN_PIN)), false );
send( BlueStatus.set(loadState(BLUE_PIN)), false );
send( rgbShowState.set(0), false);
void rgbShowStop(int sensor)
// define show Off
// Save state
saveState(0, 0);
// Write some debug info
Serial.println("Stop the show (rgbShowStop)");
// Send actual RGB value and state to controler and request ack back (true/false)
Serial.println("Send eeprom value to controler");
if (sensor != RED_PIN)
saveState(RED_PIN, 100 * redval / 255);
send( RedStatus.set(loadState(RED_PIN)), false );
if (sensor != GREEN_PIN)
saveState(GREEN_PIN, 100 * greenval / 255);
send( GreenStatus.set(loadState(GREEN_PIN)), false );
if (sensor != BLUE_PIN)
saveState(BLUE_PIN, 100 * blueval / 255);
send( BlueStatus.set(loadState(BLUE_PIN)), false );
send( rgbShowState.set(0), false);